Kondolencje po angielsku. Piękne kondolencje w języku angielskim.
Co to są kondolencje? Jest to wyrażenie w słowach żalu i współczucia po śmierci bliskiej osoby. W sytuacji gdy rodzina zmarłej osoby nie mówiła po polsku, musimy napisać kondolencje w innym języku. Kondolencje po angielsku są najbardziej uniwersalne ze względu na popularność tego języka. Nie korzystaj z dostępnych translatorów, ponieważ są one bardzo niedokładne. Możesz zupełnie za darmo skorzystać z naszych przykładów.
Kondolencje po angielsku – przykłady.
Okoliczności każdej śmierci są inne. Relacje z rodziną lub przyjaciółmi zmarłego również są różne. W związku z tym kondolencje są ułożone w ten sposób, aby łatwo można było je edytować i dostosować do sytuacji. Zwróć uwagę, że w niektórych przykładach należy wpisać imię lub relację ze zmarłym.
Kondolencje po angielsku uniwersalne, rozbudowane:
We are deeply sorry to hear about passing of your [relative/co-worker/friend/deceased person name]. We know that he/she was a wonderful person, a great friend and he/she loved his/her family deeply. We really hope that in these hard times your family members and friends gather around to show you support, kindness and love. Please accept our deepest condolences.
Please accept our deepest sympathies during this hard time. Our thoughts and prayers are with your and with your family. We hope that memories you have with your [name of the deceased relative/co-worker/friend/person] are going to comfort you in this moment of pain and loss. We know that this is a very hard time to you, hence we offer you our support in any way you need.
Even though words are not going to take away grief you feel from the loss of [name of the deceased person] we hope that this message is going to bring comfort to you and your family in this painful moment. We are deeply saddened by your loss but our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your [relation of the recipient with the deceased person] was an incredible and kind person who bring joy and happiness to everyone around him/her. [Name of the deceased] was a great friend, a wonderful family member and an amazing human being. A great soul and may he/she rest in peace.
We are deeply sorry about your loss and you have our sympathies. Hence, we stand with you in this time of need. Remember that [name of the deceased person] is going to live as long as our fond memories of him/her are going to remain in our hearts. Please accept our condolences and sympathies and we really hope that you and your family are going to stay strong in this time of need.
Kondolencje sms po angielsku, krótkie:
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that your family members and friends are there to support you during this difficult time.
I send my condolences during this sorrowful time. I am so sorry about your loss. You are in my thoughts.
We are thinking about you and sending our condolences during this hard time.
We are deeply saddened by the loss of your [relative/friend/colleague]. He was a wonderful and caring person. We hope that you are going to stay strong even in this moment of loss. You have our deepest sympathies.
I heard about passing of your [relative/friend]. There are no words in this world that would be able to comfort you in this painful and tragic moment. Still, remember that my thoughts are with you and if you ever need something, just call me.
I am thinking about you, as well as, your family during this difficult time. I will keep you in my prayers.
I hope that these words will help you in any possible way in this moment of sorrow. Stay strong and remember, my thoughts are with you.
This is a painful time for all of us as you grieve the loss of [name of the deceased person]. He was kind person and a beautiful soul. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Be well and stay strong.
I wish I was around to comfort you during these painful moments. Still I write to you these condolences to offer you my deepest sympathies. With love and compassion your friend [insert name].
It is only natural to feel grief, when someone close to us passes away. Especially if it is so sudden and unexpected. You should know, that you are not alone. We are with you and we think about you in our prayers.
Kondolencje po angielsku z powodu śmierci mamy:
I am terribly sorry to hear about passing of your mother. Both you and your family members are in my thoughts and prayers. I offer you my deepest condolences. If there is anything you need, just let me know.
Our sincerest condolences on the passing of your mother. Words are not able to ease your suffering but remember, that we are with you in this dire moment. Your mother was a wonderful and caring person and we know she will be missed by many people. We send prayers and condolences to you and your entire family. Stay strong and be well.
Your mother was a wonderful lady and a great person. She was always willing to help others and thanks to her, people had smile on their faces. I am going to miss her a lot. Please accept my sincere condolences and remember, that I am always with you.
Words are not able to explain how we feel since we heard about passing of your mother. Losing a mother is one of the most painful and tragic moments in life of all of us. This is why we cannot even comprehend how hard it is for you. Still, you have our deepest sympathies and we hope that you are going to be well in this hard and painful moment.
We are so sorry to hear, that your mother had passed away. Still, your mother lived a very long and prosperous life. She must be proud of you and happy that you became a person you are now. Even if she is not with you right now, we are sure that she is going to watch over you from heaven. We know that she is in a better place now but still, she will be missed by many. Hence, we offer you our deepest condolences.
Kondolencje po angielsku z powodu śmierci ojca:
We are so sorry to hear about your father passing away. Simple words are not able to explain how terrible news this is. We hope, that even in these hard and sorrowful moments you are going to stay strong. Even though your father passed a memory of him is going to remain in our hearts. We wish you luck.
Your father was a kind soul and a great person. It was a joy to be around him. This is why I cannot express in simple words, how I felt upon hearing that he passed away. He is in better place now but I am sure, that he is missed.
Your dad was such a kind person and I am sure that both you and your family miss him deeply. You are in my heart. Please, take care and stay strong.
We are terribly sorry that you lost your father. We cannot express our sadness enough. We hope that in these dire times you are surrounded by care and love from both your family and friends. Even though we cannot be with you now, we are sending to you our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.
I am so sorry to hear that your father had passed away. He was a wonderful and kind men remember by many in a very positive light. I wish you best of luck and I hope that you will be well.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathies. I hope that you will be able to find peace and good memories of your father, are going to help you get through this very sad moment in your life. Stay strong and be well. We are terribly sorry for your loss.
Zobacz pozostałe przykłady kondolencji:
Kondolencje. Piękne i ujmujące teksty na okoliczność śmierci.
Kondolencje sms. Idealne teksty do wysłania smsem.
Kondolencje z powodu śmierci mamy. Piękne i wzruszające teksty.
Kondolencje z powodu śmierci ojca. Poruszające słowa otuchy.
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